Health Coaching

health coaching

As a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, I provide a wide range of services to help individuals, families, and organizations achieve their wellness goals. My services include a variety of customizable group workshops, individual consultations, wellness luncheons, and lectures that are appropriate for businesses, schools, community groups, teachers, parent groups, churches, individuals, and more!

Specializing in Health Coaching for:


  • Develop a lifetime of achievable healthy habits
  • Improve the mood, learning and behavior of children through proper nutrition and movement
  • Learn how to shop for high-quality, affordable foods
  • Avoid nutrition-related issues such as obesity, ADHD, and allergies
  • Make mealtime at home easy and fun, and learn how to prepare healthy food that tastes great


  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging
  • Boost energy levels and reduce stress
  • Sleep better and think sharper
  • Reduce pain and inflammation and increase vitality
  • Discover a personalized weight control plan that actually works!
  • Become fit, strong and flexible
  • Enjoy lower medical expenses


  • Create a healthy womb environment and develop a happy, healthy baby
  • Experience optimal nutrition during pregnancy and beyond
  • Make a smooth transition from pregnancy to motherhood
  • Reduce stress and sleep more soundly

Science-Based Solutions

science-based solutions

You will receive credible, fact-based information, skills, and materials based on proven science.

Health Coaching Services


Individual Consultations

Understanding your goals and personal challenges is the first step in determining a path that would be best for you. You may want to work with a certified health coach if you are seeking:

  • Sustainable Strategies to Develop a Lifetime of Health
  • Recipes that make nutrition easy and affordable
  • Easy label reading techniques
  • Labeling loopholes that might be making you or your family members sick
  • Which ingredients can affect our emotions, behavior, concentration, and energy levels
  • Pantry makeovers
  • Smart shopping guidance
  • Recipe reworks for some of your most common meals

Group Coaching

Being a group fitness instructor, my presentations are fun and interactive. These total wellness/educational presentations are packed full of practical, affordable tips and advice as well as hands-on learning experiences. Group Presentations are a perfect fit for community events, health fairs, business luncheons, schools, and more!


Online Classes

Whether it is an online 3-Day Pantry Makeover Challenge, A 6-Week Online Health Coaching Course, or Online, Live Personal Health Coaching, I’ve got you covered! Self-paced, simple courses for making powerful changes to your nutrition will educate you and inspire you to the next level. Learn personalized strategies to address individual concerns such as bloating, midlife weight gain, and digestive issues via one-on-one Zoom for a more personalized experience.


Smart Shopping

Don’t let the aisles and aisles of choices at the grocery store intimidate you. Shop with confidence when you discover the secret to identifying healthy foods. Receive a suggested brand(s) shopping list and personalized attention during this fun shopping trip.


Pantry Makeovers

Your interactive, fun pantry makeover will empower you to choose healthier options for your favorite foods! During this interactive home consultation, you and your family will learn how to read a nutrition label, which foods to consider replacing with healthier options, insightful cooking and shopping tips, and more!

The goal of our Pantry Makeover is to help you make the best decisions nutritionally for you and your family.